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Learning Italian featuring Lara De Santis - Mature Reality

Learning Italian featuring Lara De Santis - Mature Reality

  • Studio: Mature Reality (21 videos)
  • Models:
  • 07 Nov 2017
  • Download: MP4, 47.6 Mb

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Please welcome Lara De Santis, a professional Italian home tutor. You've always wanted to learn another language, right? The Italian language is a great place to start! The sexy Lara will start with some basic words, when suddenly she starts to teach you some of the more dirty words... Is that what you wanted from the start? You know that she is one hell of a sexy teacher and when she starts to demonstrate which dirty word means what, we're sure your dick is already in ecstasy. Let things flow naturally and you'll soon learn much more than you ever thought you'd learn!

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